πŸŽ„12 Days of BIG HAIR πŸŽ„


If Thanksgiving is the time of year for giving thanks, and feeling, and sharing, gratitude for the blessings in our lives, Christmas in turn feels like the time to turn that gratitude around, and share love with those that we are so thankful for.

Here at Effie Monroe we are so thankful for all of the children that sparkle onto this planet. We love your spirit, ingenuity, individuality, happiness, creativity, introspection, and joy, and we teach how to access more of that through the the life enhancing superpowers of kindness, focus, gratitude, and self love.

Today, we double down on that self-love with our song, the 12 Days of Big Hair.

The 12 Days of Big Hair is about celebrating what makes you different. What makes you, you. And, for Effie, one of those things is her BIG NATURAL HAIR!

Effie has been on a journey to love her big beautiful hair. It’s different than a lot of her friend’s hair, and, for a while, that was hard for her to appreciate. But, through learning to love that which makes her unique, now she ADORES her big hair. And her BIG HAIR adores her right back!

The 12 Days of Big Hair lyrics were written specifically to inspire all Big Hair children to love and celebrate their natural hair. And the spirit of β€œBig Hair” is to help all children highlight and celebrate what makes them unique. And, to shout that out, with love, from the rooftops!

With that spirit in mind, though we only run the BIG HAIR video during the Holidays, we want you to have the video and song FOR FREE so that you may listen to it anytime you want.

Download your very own BIG HAIR song and video here, enjoy, and share!

We want Big Hair children around the world to celebrate everything that makes them unique and amazing, including their beautifully big, natural hair.

Whatever makes you unique, be sure to ROCK IT BIG!

Happy Holidays!

❀️ Effie and Arynetta